BPR Systems

1263 W Pratt Blvd
Suite 204
Chicago Il 60626

Having a computer problem?

Call us now to schedule an appointment!

Contact Information | Phone: (847) 471-7266 | Email: info@bprsystems.com

You can find out more about us here:

BPR Systems | The Digital Professionals


BPR Systems is an Information Technology group that specializes in the installation, administration, security, and maintenance of small to medium-sized business networks.

Built on the basic principle that RELIABILITY OF DATA is paramount, no BPR Systems client has ever suffered an unrecoverable loss of data since the company's inception in 1997.

Bernard Rafferty, the company's founder and principal consultant, has been actively involved in computer sciences and services since 1976, when he began programming at Northwestern University's Vogelback Computing Center at the age of 10.

While experience going back to the days of punch cards may seem arcane, the practical knowledge gained as a result of it allows us to provide our clients with invaluable real-world benefits. But unparalleled experience is not all we have to offer. Dynamic problem solving is also a large part of what we do.

In today's business environment the most difficult computing problems are often those that cannot be anticipated or solved with only a textbook-driven knowledge of computers and little practical field experience. The most challenging problems are often those which can only be solved by using a dynamic approach. One that incorporates depth of knowledge with breadth of experience. Something which only a handful of consultants can provide. This is what sets BPR Systems apart from other IT companies.

So what does BPR Systems do?

In the rapidly changing and ever-evolving world of Information Technology, we provide the most effective and reliable solutions to the toughest problems facing business owners today. That's what BPR Systems does. And that's what we can do for you.

Will your backup work when you need it? Don't wait to find out!

Call us today at (847) 471-7266 or email us at info@bprsystems.com for more information!



Reliability of data is the single most important aspect of what we do. Since its inception, no BPR Systems client has ever suffered an unrecoverable loss of data for two reasons:

  1. We make sure that your business has redundant and reliable backups and the procedures in place to make sure they stay that way.
  2. We do our best to make sure you never need them by making sure your network is secure.

Hackers are very clever these days. And their ability to infiltrate various computer systems is ever evolving. That's why having the best and most up-to-date virus protection software is an essential component of any network security plan. However, while having the latest anti-virus technology and following good day-to-day security procedures - such as never clicking on anything in an email unless you're sure of where it comes from - are important, they are never absolutely foolproof! As a result, it's no longer a question of what you will do "if" you get infected by a crypto-virus or some other form of attack, it's a question of what you will do "when" it happens.

Is your virus protection up-to-date and properly configured? Are your backups reliable if that software should fail? Don't wait to find out! It's our job to make sure it does.

Call us today to schedule an evaluation appointment to make sure your data is reliable and properly protected.


While our primary focus is on data reliability, protection, and recovery, BPR Systems also provides many other computing services to help you in the day-to-day operation of your business.


Call us today at 1-847-471-7266 or email us at info@bprsystems.com for more information!



  1. Set up and maintain a regular backup routine! This is your greatest defense against any future data loss.
  2. Purchase a large-capacity external drive and use it! Your valuable data is only one false click away from being encrypted and held for ransom. Having a recent backup is crucial in mitigating these kinds of attacks, while minimizing the time it takes to get you back up and running. If you need help setting one up, just call us and we can make sure you have a reliable backup plan / procedure in place. Also, if your budget allows it, invest in a solid state drive (SSD) external drive, as opposed to a mechanical one (spinning, motor driven drive), as they are smaller, more reliable, and have faster transfer-rates than traditional mechanical drives, minimizing backup times.
  3. Always use a reliable, commercially available anti-virus software suite and keep it up to date.
  4. When faced with a fake virus scanning screen or other pop-up annoyance DO NOT click the "cancel" button or the small "x" in the corner of the window as this usually results in viral installation. Instead, use the [ALT + F4] keystroke to close the current window. This will usually prevent the virus from infecting your machine in the first place, and it is the single most important keystroke to know when using any Microsoft Windows Operating System.
  5. Do not open any email attachments unless you are expecting them! This includes pictures, Microsoft Word or Excel documents, or Adobe PDF's, as these can all contain hidden viruses. Also, do not click on any links contained within any emails unless you are expecting them, even if you recognize the "sender" email address. Sender email addresses can be easily forged using contact information located within your own email application. When responding to emails from corporations, utility companies, and/or financial institutions, do not clink on any links contained within the emails themselves. Instead, open your internet browser and go to the companies official website and proceed from there.
  6. Keep your internet browser up to date. This is usually handled automatically, but you can always check by going to the "settings" section of your browser by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of your browser and then clicking on the "help" and then "about" sections to see if you're on the latest version.
  7. Avoid using the "remember password" function within your browser, particularly for any financial websites, e-commerce websites (such as Amazon or Ebay), or any other site that has your credit card or other financial information associated with it. While more convenient, browser saved passwords are not very secure and can be easily hacked. So, use a third-party password manager instead.